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A simple way to remind
yourself of the moral axioms you
choose to live by is to post them some-
where obvious, such as on your bath-
room mirror. If you stick with it, all
sorts of opportunities will become
obvious to ‘do no harm’ to the systems
you are part of.
Fourth, realize that you are a
trustee of the planet and take respon-
sibility for the continuation of all life.
The pressures on the planet today are
so extensive that many scientists be-
lieve humanity has entered a new geo-
logical era called the ‘Anthropocene.’
This is the first epoch in history when
human activities, not natural pro-
cesses, will determine the fate of the
Earth. If our actions will now decide
the future of our planet, like it or not,
we are each a trustee with the respon-
sibility to ensure the continuation of
all life Earth. While the previous com-
mitment emphasized ‘doing no harm’
by controlling your self-focused and
aggressive qualities, this one focuses
your attention on magnifying your
innate selfless, cooperative, and car-
ing instincts to ‘do good’ to all other
people and organisms on the planet.
The Golden Rule succinctly describes
this commitment: “Treat others as you
would like them to treat you.”
From a practical perspective,
accepting that you are a trustee of the
planet and taking responsibility for
all life this means you must strive to
relate to other people fairly and with
respect, purchase only what you need,
and use goods and services that are
environmentally benign or restorative
and that can be completely reused or
Fifth, break free from the false
beliefs that control your life and your
organization and choose your own
Even though your perceptions
and behaviors are strongly influenced
by your upbringing, today’s dominant
cultural worldview, and the physical,
political, and economic infrastructure
they have produced, it is important to
realize that you have the capacity to
change your thinking and behavior at
any time. You do not forever commit-
ted to outdated, harmful beliefs and
habits. This is incredibly empower-
ing knowledge. It means you can start
to ‘do no harm’ and ‘do good’ to the
social and ecological systems you are
part of any time you like.
All social change happens one
person at a time. This means the place
to start to address climate change, the
economic downturn, and growing
inequity is with you. As many other
people make a similar pledge to abide
by the five commitments, the tide will
turn, and effective practices, technolo-
gies, and policies will emerge that will
set the world on a more stable, secure,
and sustainable path.
Bob Doppelt is the Executive Director of
The Resource Innovation Group (TRIG)
and an adjunct professor in the Depart-
ment of Planning, Public Policy and
Management at the University of Oregon
where he teaches systems thinking and
global warming policy. He is the author of
From Me to We: The Five Transformation-
al Commitments Required to Rescue the
Planet, Your Organization, and Your Life.
For more information, please visit,